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MORRISBY are proud supporters of NATIONAL CAREERS WEEK 2025 and have a very special promotion running for two weeks only - don't miss out!

Intelligent Guidance

Careers | Universities | Apprenticeships
We help people understand their strengths and potential and guide them towards their best career, subject and future educational choices.
We help schools and colleges deliver, manage and record their careers education programmes.
Best in class guidance
Career Journeys
Schools & Colleges
Assessments a year
Career Journeys
Schools & Colleges
Assessments a year
Trusted by 1,600+ schools and institutions

A complete set of careers, destinations and work experience services

Morrisby Profile graphic showing personalised scores

Morrisby Profile

Our flagship psychometric assessment that measures an individual’s innate aptitudes, strengths and potential, and makes personalised career suggestions.
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Morrisby Careers Platform on a laptop screen

Careers Platform

Careers and destinations platform for your whole school or college, allowing delivery of careers education, subject choice/pathway selection, and tracking & reporting.
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CourseNav chat graphic


AI-powered, human-backed course and careers assistant for colleges and universities, enabling seamless interactions with prospective students.
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Morrisby WEX interface with Changing Education

Work Experience

Simplify work experience, reduce costs, empower students, engage employers, and ensure compliance and safeguarding.
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Why Morrisby?

It's all about potential

We identify individuals' strengths and potential in a way that is independent of their economic or educational background.

Personalised guidance

Our career suggestions are carefully curated to meet individual attributes and interest and to facilitate further exploration.


We have led the way in career guidance for nearly 60 years, helping millions of young people in thousands of schools worldwide.

Engaging and joined-up

Our student journey flows logically from assessments to guidance to recording progress and making the best decisions about future academic or vocational pathways.


From career lesson plans linked to the PHSE curriculum to tracking the Gatsby Benchmarks and reporting to Compasst, our platform saves valuable teacher time.

Quality Assured

We are Matrix-accredited for the delivery of information, advice and guidance, and hold certifications for both ISO 9001 (quality management system) and 27001 (information security).

See what students and teachers have to say

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